Friday, June 19, 2009

FOOD, Inc. is a MUST SEE!

I just returned from seeing the movie FOOD, INC. This is a SERIOUS film. I found it to be better than expected! Yes, I've seen Michael Pollen speak many times (live, on TV and radio) and am acutely aware of the big mess of agribusiness, but the way it was presented certainly drives home the points in the most compelling way, leaves you ready to take action of some kind, especially in terms of your next meal, or next food purchase.

It should be required viewing for ALL Americans. Please take the time to get yourself to a theater and see it. Pass it on!

(click on photos for links)

In a slightly different direction, please take a look at TED's posting which puts together all of my favorite subjects: food, cooking, gardening, community, and yoga! Check it out!

More food for thought!

Summer Solstice -- A Pickle Fest

The name COOKOLOGY101 was born from a desire to cultivate a community of cooks and eaters of every stripe who wish to share information about food, cooking, and the process of nurturing. As our economy continues to challenge us to "survive" more, I see this as an opportunity to come together more as a community to share innovation, inspiration, knowledge and rich experience, to learn and grow together in the process.

I hope you join with me to comment on all that is offered while this 'experiment' unfolds. I envision amassing references to articles, books, sites, classes, courses, video & audio feeds that nurture, not just our bodies and taste buds, but minds and spirits. I like the idea of common people offering extraordinary cooking stories, family recipes, tried and true solutions in the quest for a simpler, more direct experience with food, cooking and life.

Like a friend/chef once reminded me—when he saw my disappointed face when I 'messed up' my sauce, "There are no mistakes in cooking, you just have to come up with a new name for it!" (and isn't this true of life!?)

In this spirit of errorless cooking, I launch the beginning of my blog with my favorite subject of late—PICKLES!


Going to the Farmers Market in Berkeley at the height of the Summer is always a treat. There are endless recipes that come to mind when I see such an abundance of produce. There is, however, a little window of opportunity when you find those precious pickling cucumbers of many sizes and varieties. All are fare game when it comes to pickling. Large cucumbers are good as the "Classic Dill" and smaller ones I make into a kind of sliced "Bread & Butter" pickle.

Fermented cucumber pickles can last a year. I still have some in my fridge! WHY, you might ask, if they are so good do you still have some after a year? Because they are so dear. There is nothing like having a good fermented pickle when you crave one. Next to a warm roast turkey sandwich after the Thanksgiving feast or along side a lovely spring time quiche when the egg yolks are brilliant yellow.

It is a tremendous gift to show up with home made pickles at a dinner party or pot luck. Making these healthful condiments is not as difficult as you might think, nor does it take much time.

In the next few days I will be fermenting these beauties and will post the process!

Until then, enjoy these lovely warm days, and Happy Summer Solstice!